Big Island Yoga Center

WORKSHOP: 2 hr Inversions & Pranayama
with Janet MacLeod: VISITING TEACHER

May 20 (Saturday)
at 2:30 pm

Class length
120 minutes


Steady and Comfortable

with Janet McLeod

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Inversions & PranayamaIn this class you will enjoy the more subtle aspects and effects of inversion practice that then prepare you to  move into Pranayama, which is the entry into the more meditative aspect of the 8 limbs of yoga.

Attending a weekend workshop allows you to go deeper into your practice. In this workshop you will cover all categories of Asana with intelligent sequencing so that you move from muscular to bone action and thus hold the Asana for longer. For students who have had at least 1 year of Iyengar Yoga practice.

